Source: via Fashionitsa on Pinterest
Zara coat (see more faux fur coats)

And if you don't feel like a total look, you can just have it in details.

robert rodriguez coat
*Velentza is a Greek traditional kind of wool rug, very warm, coming in all kinds of colors. (Just like this)
5 σχόλια:
Velentza Ftw!
against the cold weather
a must-have piece!
me likey ur picks!
Thank you, Muki!
Thank you for your comment and following my blog. Followed back!
Lovely blog :) I would love to see much of your post! I hope we could follow each other.
Let me know once you followed me in google friend connect and I will follow right back.
axxaxa 8eikh xrhsh lejhs!!veletza!!!
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